School Uniform
We celebrate high standards at Meadowside, and love to see the children smartly turned out in their school uniform, ready to learn. The Meadowside sweatshirt can be bought from:
The School and Dance Shop, Chapel Street, Knaresborough, HG5 8AN (01423 860447).
You can buy everything else from Broadbank & Empson, too, or try high-street stores or supermarkets.
Our uniform is:
- Shirts, blouses or polo shirts in white or pale blue
- School sweatshirts or cardigans (with no motifs except the school badge)
- Trousers, skirts or pinafore dress in grey
- Sensible black school shoes (no trainers please)
- Grey, white or black socks, or grey tights
Option for the summer:
- Plain white T-shirt, blue striped or ‘gingham’ dress.
P.E. kit:
- Plain white T-shirt, black or navy shorts
- Strong training shoes
- Black PE pumps are an optional extra for indoor work
Other information
Jewellery, make up, nail varnish and extreme hair styles are not allowed in school. Small stud earrings are permitted (at the discretion of the Headteacher) but must be removed for P.E. We would be grateful if children have their ears pierced at the beginning of the summer holidays to ensure that they can remove earrings for PE lessons.
Please be aware that gel, hair spray etc can present a health risk in school so please do not put them on the children’s hair.