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01423 866207

Halfpenny Lane, Knaresborough HG5 0SL

Mr S Crawford (Headteacher)

Ace Club - Active, Creative, Educational

This is our after school club which provides a range of creative play and learning activities in a comfortable and safe environment for children and provide peace of mind for parents.


A variety of indoor and outdoor activities will be available:

Computers, computer games, art and craft activities, hall and outdoor activities, video, table tennis, trips out, baking and reading facilities are just some of the activities that will be on offer.

Come and sign up for an ACE time!!!

Charges (from September 2022)

Ace Club:   3.15pm to 6.00pm (5:30pm on Fridays) @ £11.00 per session.

Breakfast Club:  7.30am @ £6.50 per session (inc breakfast).  


Our Staff

Ace Club Co-ordinators Miss E Cotton

Senior Playworker Miss J Calvert

Playworker Mr J King


Administrator  Mrs C Davison


Contact Email:

 Ace Club Newsletter December 2022.pdfDownload
 Ace Club Newsletter October 2022.pdfDownload
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All sessions to be pre-booked via  and paid for in advance.

Payments can be made via STRIPE which is a direct card payment.

Please note Parent Pay will no longer be available from 1st October for Ace Club payments.

Please note, no refunds are given.